
2023年5月13日 星期六

介係詞 in, on, at

介係詞對我們來說有點難度,因為我們用中文講到時間或地點時,並不需要用各種介係詞帶出來該時間或地點,所以使用英文時,對於要用哪個"在"(in, on, at)很困惑,我們就一起看看下面說明。

on a DAY. in a PERIOD of time. at a SPECIFIC TIME.
on Sunday/ Monday/ Tuesday...
on October 27th/ my birthday...
* on Christmas Day/ Easter Sunday/ Dragon Boat Festival...
in January/February/ March...(月份)
in (the) spring/ summer...(季節)
in 2023/ the 2020s...(年)
in the 21st century/ the next century...(世紀)
in the Ice Age/ the Middle Ages...(時期)
in the past/ the future
at 7 o'clock/ 3:15...
at noon/ midnight
at bedtime/ dinnertime/ the moment...
at sunrise/ sunset
*at Christmas/ New Year...

注意* 您可能發現,為什麼一樣"聖誕節"有on也有at?因為on Christmas Day指12月25日那天,on Christmas Eve指12月24日那天,而at Christmas指聖誕假期(在國外通常是12月24日到1月初,有一首聖誕歌The Twelve Days of Christmas,可想而知那幾天就是聖誕假期),所以要敘述某事發生在聖誕假期期間,就要用at Christmas,一樣的概念適用於其他節日,所以at節日假期期間。
另外,特別留意一天內的時間介係詞 in the morning/ afternoon/ evening 但是 at night/ noon/ midnight,noon(中午12點) midnight(半夜12點)是一個精確時間,用at沒問題,但是night(晚上)不是一段時間嗎?為什麼不能像 morning(早上) afternoon(下午) evening(傍晚到晚上) 一樣用in呢?讓我們這樣想吧~ night 和 evening 相比,的確是相對較短時間,就用at短時間、in長時間來區分。
如果,星期X的早上/下午/晚上呢?用on:on Sunday morning / on Saturday evening(s)...
最後,一個小小注意事項,遇到時間前面有 last, next, every, this,不用介係詞:this afternoon / last April / every Wednesday...
最後的最後😅over the weekend = during the weekend = on/at the weekend,美式 on the weekend = 英式 at the weekend,美式 on (the) weekends = 英式 at weekends

小試身手(請填入 in / on / at / X)
1. His birthday is ___ August 21st.
2. The moon was bright ___ last night.
3. They finished the test ___ the same time.
4. I sometimes work ___ the weekend.
5. Let's meet up for a cup of coffee ___ next weekend.
6. I'll be back ___ half an hour.
7. He's not available ___ the moment. Can you call back  ___ this afternoon?
8. She always visits her relatives ___ Chinese New Year.
9. I met him ___ 1993. 
10. I will have a meeting ___ next Tuesday morning.

(解答 1. on   2. X   3. at   4. on/at   5. X   6. in   7. at, X   8. at   9. in   10. X)

at a certain POINT. in an ENCLOSED space. on a SURFACE.
at the corner/ the entrance/ the door/ the bus stop/ the movie theater/ 地址...
in the garden/ a building/ Taipei/ Taiwan...
on the wall/ the ceiling/ the door/ a page/ the floor...

注意:在交通工具方面,坐進去就不能站起身走動,用 in;可以站起身走動,或是"騎在上面",用 on
(in a car/ a taxi/ a helicopter/ a boat ;on a bus/ a train/ a plane/ a ship/ a bike/ a motorcycle/ a horse)
at home/ school/ university/ college/ work
at the top/ the bottom/ the side/ the end
in the lift(elevator)/ a row/ the sky/ the newspaper
on TV/ the radio/ the left/ the right/ the way/ the menu/ a page
至於是 in或on the street呢?通常英式用 in the street,美式用on the street。雖然也有人認為意思有點不同,但差異不大,不同地區有不同慣用與解讀,所以我們就不深究。
那麼,"在樹上"是 in the tree 或 on the tree? 如果是自己可移動的,如鳥、松鼠、昆蟲等,in the tree,因為樹有枝幹樹葉等,形成一個封閉空間,這些生物在這樹的空間;如果是樹的一部分,如花、葉、果實,on the tree,它們都是長在樹枝表面,所以on就很合理。

小試身手(請填入 in / on / at)
1. When did you arrive ___ the office?
2. The library is ___ the end of the street.
3. He wrote his name ___ the cover of the book. 
4. You can visit me ___ 165 Zhongxiao East Road ___ Taipei.
5. Let's get ___ the car!
6. There are some beautiful pictures ___ the wall ___ our classroom.
7. We live ___ the second floor.
8. I'm sitting ___ my desk ,and my laptop is ___ my desk.
9. Sally usually meets her friends ___ school.
10. Look! There's an owl ___ the tree.

(解答 1. at   2. at   3. on   4. at, in   5. in   6. on, in   7. on   8. at, on   9. at   10. in)