
2024年10月3日 星期四




* Typhoon Krathon 山陀兒颱風

* 颱風(typhoon)是出現在西太平洋和南中國海的熱帶氣旋(tropical cyclone),而颶風(hurricane)則是出現在東太平洋和北大西洋的熱帶氣旋,他們風速都可達每小時119公里以上。

Typhoons form over the warm waters of the Western Pacific Ocean and can cause severe damage when they reach land.

In the Eastern Pacific and the Atlantic Ocean, a tropical cyclone is called a hurricane. 

* weaken (減弱) : The typhoon is weakening as it approaches the coast.

* gust (陣風) : Strong gusts of wind accompanied the typhoon as it made landfall.

* landfall (登陸) 搭配動詞make使用:Typhoons often weaken after making landfall as they lose the energy provided by warm ocean waters.

* torrential rain (傾盆大雨),downpour (強降雨)和torrential rain差不多,但持續時間可能較短,heavy rain (大雨),shower (陣雨),drizzle (毛毛雨),sprinkle (小雨) 比 drizzle大一點,rainstorm (暴風雨) 伴隨強風雷電,通常是短時間內大規模降雨。

The rainstorm knocked down trees and power lines across the region.

There's just a little sprinkle, so we still can have our picnic outside.

We had to pull over because the downpour was so heavy that we couldn't see the road.

Scattered showers(局部地區陣雨) are expected throughout the afternoon.

The torrential rain lasted for hours, turning streets into rivers. 

* flooding (淹水),landslide (山崩)

Heavy rains from the typhoon not only triggered landslides in the mountainous regions but also caused severe flooding in many parts of the city.

* evacuate (撤離) : Residents were evacuated from low-lying areas due to the typhoon threat.

* emergency response (緊急應對) : The government activated its emergency response plan as the typhoon approached. 

* infrastructure (基礎建設) 如道路、電力設施等 : The typhoon caused widespread damage to infrastructure, including power lines and roads. 

* suspend services (暫停服務) : The north-south high speed rail line suspended services from central to southern Taiwan until early evening.
