"教育"是哲學、心理學、思想、觀念的培養,教育是赋能,使人有能力找到成就自己的路程。 想為自己在教學、檢定、教案編寫等工作的努力中,留下一些紀錄,與大家分享交流。 Instagram帳號,分享正能量英文: https://www.instagram.com/learn_sayings/
目錄:(一)連綴動詞 (二)使役動詞 (三)授予動詞 (四)情態副詞 (五)其他
(一)連綴動詞 Linking verbs
* Link是連接的意思,所以linking
* 如果用 ”=” 代替這個動詞(V),還能說得通(make sense),那就是連綴動詞。
* Linking verbs用在S+V+C的句型。
* Linking verbs 不表達動作,而是連接形容詞(adj.)、名詞(n.)/片語/子句,補充說明主詞(subject complement)的狀態
* 有哪些?any form of “to
be”, 感官動詞(look, sound, taste, smell, feel),”變得…”(get, become, grow),”保持…”(remain, keep, stay),”似乎”(seem, appear)
1. She seemed upset after the exam.
2. The house appears to be damaged
in the war.
3. The food tastes delicious.
4. All of the children stay calm
during the earthquake drill.
5. The woman became angry when she heard
the news.
6. The perfume smells like some kind
of fruit.
7. The perfume smells sweet and
8. He went mad after tripping on the
9. They looked exhausted after
working all day in the sun.
10. Your friends might be disappointed
if you don’t show up.
11. The princess and the prince will be
happy forever.
12. They are super heroes.
13. The trees in your garden have grown
14. The soup remains warm in the
15. That sounds like a good idea to
1. She got married.
2. She married Bob.
3. He has been looking for a nice suit.
4. He has been looking like a professor.
5. She will appear shocked when she knows
the truth.
6. She will appear in a few minutes.
7. The dog smells badly.
8. The dog smells bad.
(二)使役動詞(Causative verbs)
S + C. Verb + O (someone/something) + Verb (+ O)
使某人做某事(主動) / 使某事被做(被動)
(Cause someone to do something. / Cause something to be done.)
S(主詞) | have(交付) make(免強.要求) let(允許) | someone someone someone/something | V原型 | (O受詞) |
get(說服.鼓勵) ask tell | someone | to V原型 | ||
help | someone | V / to V / with n. |
1. Mrs. May has her students clean the classroom every day.
2. Mandy made her boyfriend watch the film with her.
3. Kyle lets his sister use his computer anytime.
4. We will get our uncle to take the adventure.
5. John can help you (to) do the dishes / with the dishes.
S(主詞) | have get (make) (let) | something | p. p. (過去分詞) |
1. I must have my car washed.
2. You should have your hair cut.
3. He got his laptop fixed.
4. The manager made his book published on his birthday.
make someone do force someone to do 不情願
have someone do get someone to do 要求
let someone do allow someone to do 允許
help someone do help someone to do 幫助
( ) The car was washed.
( ) I got the car washed.
( ) Jack had his room painted pink.
( ) Jack had painted his room pink.
( ) Phoebe got her report finished.
( ) Pilar let Megan cook dinner for her.
( ) Ryan made Megan cook dinner for him.
(國二下 南一、翰林)
Present Simple 現在簡單 I jog every other day. | Past Simple 過去簡單 I jogged for an hour last night. | Future Simple 未來簡單 I will jog as much as I can this year. |
Present Continuous 現在進行 I am watching a movie now. | Past Continuous 過去進行 I was watching a movie at noon yesterday. | Future Continuous 未來進行 I will be watching a movie with Pilar tomorrow evening. |
Present Perfect 現在完成 I have phoned her already. | Past Perfect 過去完成 I had phoned her before you came in. | Future Perfect 未來完成 I will have phoned her by the end of this week.(本週尚未結束) |
Present Perfect Continuous 現在完成進行 She has been playing the piano since she was five. | Past Perfect Continuous 過去完成進行 She had been playing the piano for 5 hours before the doorbell rang. | Future Perfect Continuous 未來完成進行 She will have been playing the piano for 10 hours before dinner tonight.(今天還沒晚餐) |
有時候我們要描述一個動作或事件,並非只有一種時態可以使用,而是看您以什麼觀點表達這個動作或事件。在 "英文時態和例句(上)" 我們提到現在完成式的使用,是要表達過去某時間點到現在為止,某個動作或事件隨著時間演進,也許完成也許未完成,表達"曾經"的概念;換句話說,我們可以把所謂的 "完成(perfect)" 視為 "結果(result)","現在完成(present perfect)" 就是某事在過去發生,但其結果現在可見。比如說 Mary broke her arm last Wednesday. (瑪莉上星期三手骨折了),用過去簡單表達"骨折"發生的時間點是在過去某瞬間。但是,如果我們要說Mary因為骨折,現在不能做功課,用現在完成來表達"骨折"影響到現在的結果,這樣會讓您的英文程度顯得更進階一點, Mary can't do homework because she has broken her arm. 而且不說出明確的時間(last Wednesday),是因為使用這個時態時,發生事件的時間點不重要,而是要表達曾經發生且影響到現在 --- 她現在不能做功課(結果)是因為骨折(過去),至於骨折發生的時間點不是我們現在想說的重點;如果,過了兩個月,Mary已經完全康復,可以做功課,之前骨折的事已經不影響寫功課(現在),我們說到Mary骨折這件事,就可以用過去簡單式(simple past)說 Mary broke her arm two months ago. 但是,同樣這個時候,如果我們想表達的意思是 "Mary曾經手骨折過,但是她弟弟不曾骨折過",那還是可以用現在完成式 Mary has broken her arm, but her brother hasn't. 因為這表示從以前到現在為止,曾經或不曾有的經驗。再舉個例子,如果,Mary在開學前手骨折,過一段時間康復了,現在有人問我 "聽說Mary骨折?" 我會說 Yes. She had broken her arm before school started. 這裡我用了過去完成式,因為,"開學" 和 "骨折" 都是過去時間發生,而且有一前一後的關係,所以用過去完成式had broken來表達比開學school started(過去簡單)早發生的事。那麼,Mary因為受傷缺交的作業,會在期中考(未來)前完成交給老師,我們可以這樣說 Mary will have turned in her assignment by the midterm exam. 表示"交功課"這件事會在期中考(未來)前完成,這就是未來完成式。所以,完成式通常都帶有兩個時間點(一個也許模糊,一個清楚),一件事的發生或沒發生是在另一個(清楚)時間點之前,但不一定指出該事件發生或沒發生的明確時間點。
現在👇 過去👇 未來👇
Present Simple 現在簡單 I jog every other day. | Past Simple 過去簡單 I jogged for an hour last night. | Future Simple 未來簡單 I will jog as much as I can this year. |
Present Continuous 現在進行 I am watching a movie now. | Past Continuous 過去進行 I was watching a movie at noon yesterday. | Future Continuous 未來進行 I will be watching a movie with Pilar tomorrow evening. |
Present Perfect 現在完成 I have phoned her already. | Past Perfect 過去完成 I had phoned her before you came in. | Future Perfect 未來完成 I will have phoned her by the end of this week.(本週尚未結束) |
Present Perfect Continuous 現在完成進行 She has been playing the piano since she was five. | Past Perfect Continuous 過去完成進行 She had been playing the piano for 5 hours before the doorbell rang. | Future Perfect Continuous 未來完成進行 She will have been playing the piano for 10 hours before dinner tonight.(今天還沒晚餐) |