
2016年10月10日 星期一


有個很棒的故事一直在我心裡,這故事是1940年代,美國的George Reavis寫的一個寓言故事"The Animal School"(動物學校),內容如下:

Once upon a time the animals decided they must do something heroic to meet the problems of a “new world” so they organized a school.(很久很久以前,動物們決定,一定要做一件英勇的事來面對"新世界"所帶來的問題,於是他們組織了一間學校) They had adopted an activity curriculum consisting of running, climbing, swimming and flying.(他們通過採用一個活動課程,這課程包括跑步、攀爬、游泳和飛翔) To make it easier to administer the curriculum, all the animals took all the subjects.(為了使課程管理上容易一點,所有動物都要上全部的科目)

The duck was excellent in swimming.(鴨子在游泳這門課上有優異表現) In fact, better than his instructor.(事實上,比他的老師還優秀) But he made only passing grades in flying and was very poor in running.(但是,他在飛行這門課只是免強及格,而在跑步這門課糟透了) Since he was slow in running, he had to stay after school and also drop swimming in order to practice running.(因為他跑步很慢,所以放學後必須留下來練習,為了練習跑步放棄游泳) This was kept up until his webbed feet were badly worn and he was only average in swimming.(這現象一直持續到他的腳蹼嚴重磨破,而且他的游泳成績變成只是中等而已) But average was acceptable in school so nobody worried about that, except the duck.(但是中等成績在學校是可以被接受的,除了鴨子本人外,沒有人在乎這件事)

The rabbit started at the top of the class in running but had a nervous breakdown because of so much makeup work in swimming.(兔子一開始在跑步課名列前茅,但是在游泳課有太多補救功課,導致他神經衰弱)

The squirrel was excellent in climbing until he developed frustration in the flying class where his teacher made him start from the ground up instead of the treetop down.(松鼠本來在攀爬課表現優秀,但是飛行課程使他非常挫折,因為老師要他從地面起飛,不可以從樹梢起飛) He also developed a “charlie horse” from overexertion and then got a C in climbing and D in running.(因為過度用力,導致抽筋,所以他的攀爬成績只有C,而跑步成績更慘...D!)

The eagle was a problem child and was disciplined severely.(老鷹是個問題兒童而被嚴厲懲戒) In the climbing class, he beat all the others to the top of the tree but insisted on using his own way to get there.(在攀爬課裡,他雖然打敗其他同學先到樹頂,但他堅持要用自己的方式)

At the end of the year, an abnormal eel that could swim exceeding well and also run, climb and fly a little had the highest average and was valedictorian.(一年結束,一隻異於常鰻的鰻魚 ,由於游泳超好,跑步、攀爬、飛行也都會一點,他的總平均分數最高,因此還當了畢業生代表致詞)

The prairie dogs stayed out of school and fought the tax levy because the administration would not add digging and burrowing to the curriculum.(草原犬鼠們拒絕入學,並對抗稅賦徵收,因為學校行政部門不願在課程中加入"挖掘和穴居"課) They apprenticed their children to a badger and later joined the groundhogs and gophers to start a successful private school.(他們把孩子們送去獾那兒當學徒,之後,聯合土撥鼠和地鼠創辦了一所相當成功的私立學校)


The Animal School

Once upon a time = 很久很久以前。這種開場白總是出現在ㄧ些知名的童話故事中。
adopt = 採納、通過、收養。例:去年她從非洲收養了一個女嬰 She adopted a baby girl from Africa last year.
to make it easier = 使其更容易
administer = 管理(動詞)。同家族的字"行政"(名詞) = administration
took = 動詞原型take。我們中文說"上"XX課或"修"XX課就是用"take" XX
was excellent in = 動詞原型be excellent in 在某方面有優異表現
instructor = 老師、大學講師、教練
passing grades = 及格
was very poor in = 動詞原型be very poor in 在某方面表現很糟
since = 因為、既然、自從。很多意思,要看上下文來決定哪個解釋恰當。
in order to = 為了
wear = 穿戴、磨。這動詞用在很多地方,舉凡"穿"衣物、"戴"帽子/眼鏡、"擦"香水。片語wear 人 out,意思是把某人累壞了,例:Working all night worn me out. 整晚工作累壞我了
acceptable = 可接受的(形容詞)。同家族的字"接受"(動詞) = accept
had a nervous breakdown = 動詞原型have a nervous breakdown 神經衰弱
makeup = (名詞)化妝、化妝品、補救、補考。所以化妝就是補救的行為,哈!
charlie horse = charley horse = cramp = 抽筋。此用語是美國、加拿大的俚語,抽筋(cramp)的意思
overexertion = 努力、用力過度
beat = 打、擊敗。可以是肢體上"打"的動作,也可以是"打敗"他人的意思
abnormal = (形容詞)不正常的、畸形的
valedictorian = 畢業演說代表。在美加地區通常會讓學業成績最好的學生在畢業典禮時做告別演說者
prairie dog = 草原犬鼠、土撥鼠。prairie是"草原",但prairie dog不是草原犬,要加個"鼠",比較不會誤認為是犬類。稱為"草原犬鼠"或稱"土撥鼠"
fought = 動詞原型fight,打鬥、對抗
digging and burrowing = 動詞原型dig是"挖掘"。動詞原型burrow是"動物為了居住掘地洞"
apprenticed = 動詞原型apprentice "當學徒"。apprentice也可當名詞"學徒"
badger = 獾
groundhog = 土撥鼠。土撥鼠有很多種類,牠們之間有何差異我沒特別研究,但就此文中提到的這兩種名稱,以英文直譯中文的方法:prairie dog草原犬,groundhog地豬,這樣看來豬的體型比狗大,所以至少有個概念groundhog比prairie dog大隻。至於在北美很有名的土撥鼠節是"Groundhog Day"
gopher = 地鼠

